Monday May 08, 2023

Ep.25 Let’s celebrate this milestone!

Ariella Vaccarino and Theresa Ofstad celebrate recording their 25th episode.  They have interviewed 9 amazing mompreneurs and captured their own journeys in 16 other episodes.  So many golden nuggets they have learned from each guest, we share some on this episode. Plus, some things ahead, including the “Secret Super Successful Mom” that has agreed to be interviewed by us in a few weeks.  Can’t wait for you to find out who she is.

Ep 25 – Let’s Celebrate this milestone!


Cafe_on_27-view-17yh8v.jpg  Cafe_on_27-Coffee704tz.jpg

:26 - Ariella Vaccarino and Theresa Ofstad celebrate big milestones in their 25th Episode.

1:30 - Showing what can be done when people come together.  Building a community.

2:00 - At the time this episode was recorded we have not released any interviews yet, But in Realtime we have released 9 interviews of some amazing mompreneurs plus 16 episodes of our own journey. 

3:20 - We can visualize how much we will grow once these interviews go out.  Between our connections and each interviewee’s connections and their connections.    (We currently have over 1,000 downloads)

4:25 - We want to share our successes, challenges, and everything we have been through along our journey. Walking around the track together gave us an opportunity to make this podcast.  Opportunities are around all the time, but you have to act on those opportunities.  So many people don’t take the opportunities. They think about it but don’t take action.

6:05 - When you feel something in your gut or your heart, combine it with your mind and take action.  Speak your Business or your thoughts.  If you don’t take action, it will just live in your heart or your gut.

7:20 – What was the very first thing Ariella did in this journey?

8:20 – Cheers to Episode 25!!!!

9:00 – Theresa is starting a new job so we batched enough episodes that put us 3 months ahead while releasing once a week on Monday’s.    

11:00 – We have a great rapport together, but we didn’t know we would have this melody together until we started recording for the very first time.  And now we are on Video as well. 

13:50 - Amazing episode for Mother's Day

14:05 - Our guest interview for Asian Pacific Heritage month.

14:50 - Collaborative brains bouncing off each other helps us come up with some great ideas.  Like becoming AFFILIATES for Marie Forleo. Hear the story how we made this happen. We want to support her. She LOVES our VIBE!

17:50 - Next year we will look at the schedule and plan episode releases better based on what is happening throughout the year.   

19:00 - Some people say you can only focus on one thing at a time. Mom’s do so many things that it is hard to focus on one. You do have to FOCUS on one thing at a time!  But sometimes you can put one ball down while focusing on another one. 

20:00 - Ariella has already recorded 6 episodes for Talented Magical Mommies Club.

  • Funny story, listen to what happened with we went to Cafe on 27 looking artsy while carrying tripod. 

23:00 - Walk the walk people will assume.

  1. Fake it until you make it.
  2. Look official until you become official. 

23:40 - Went all out with Podbean, purchased the full year with 10 channels for more podcasts to go all out. 

24:20 – We can go on location and take the equipment anywhere. 

25:30 - Tips on Monetization from one of the moms we interviewed.  Here what she said.  

26:30 - Story of “Secret Super Successful Mom” Don’t let SUCCESSFUL people stop you from reaching out to be kind and introduce yourself to them. HINT: She started videos during the pandemic and blew up through her personality.  What she has done inspires us. 

32:15 - Toastmasters conversations led us to discussion about Ariella coaching speakers at conferences with their voice.  It is so important! I can see how it would help people.

34:14 - Tips from interviews recently; bringing in students as interns or VA’s virtual assistants to help us grow our show to get great sponsors and advertisers that could be part of our conferences and events 

35:50 – We need to grow our listenership so we can entice advertisers and we can help women with their business by producing a live conference or event with Keynotes, breakout sessions, good food, pampering ourselves. It's fun to help each other when you have a community.

38:00 - Cheers to 25 episodes!!!

Follow your dreams….


Mentions and updates from this episode:

Café on 27 restaurant is where we celebrated our 25th episode at:

The “Secret Super Successful Mom”

She agreed to be interviewed a week from now.

We can’t wait to release her episode and update her name here. 

Come back to see who it is.


Some Background on the hosts!

Ariella Vaccarino-

Once an opera singer, mother to 5 children, voice and piano teacher, creator of

Voice Lessons To Go, a line of voice lesson CDs/downloads that sell nationwide.

She is also the host of the podcasts:

The Talented Magical Mommies Club

Ariella's Vocal Notes

and she has her own YouTube channel about singing:


Theresa Ofstad-

Is currently working a fulltime job while running a Basketball Club with her husband and teenage son. She is developing a business called Fuller Life, a resource for patients, seniors and their families. She is an area director with Toastmasters, a lifetime learner, leadership fanatic, and community connector.  

Sign up for her monthly newsletter to volunteer and support:

Fuller Life


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